Your skin appears defiant while you’re young. The abundance of collagen in youthful skin allows it to bounce back from a lifetime of smiles, frowns, and squints with ease. Wrinkles, sagging jowls, and drooping eyelids are all signs of aging because our bodies stop producing collagen.
Radiofrequency (RF) technology is used in Viora, a non-surgical body contouring treatment in Gurgaon that is safe and effective. When this happens, the already-existing collagen is stimulated, and new collagen growth is promoted.
Body sculpting and cellulite reduction are all possible with Viora, a state-of-the-art radiofrequency treatment. Forget about Thermage’s single frequency constraints; the Viora goes far beyond them. Multiple frequencies and vacuum therapy are used by Viora, allowing for unprecedented control and pinpoint accuracy. You can get some of the skin tightness and contour you had in your youth with the Viora, a non-invasive process that doesn’t require surgery or injections. Because the Viora is color-blind, it can treat all skin types and may be used all year round, unlike lasers,
Describe how it works
Viora Reaction Skin Tightening Gurgaon rapidly tightens and smoothes the skin by contracting the tissue’s fibbers. Wrinkle reduction is achieved by thermally inducing natural neocollagenesis. To combat adipose invasion, collagen fibres strengthen the dermis, which causes lipolysis to diminish fat cell volume and increase blood flow to the treated area.
Skin tightening on the face and torso can be achieved with four to eight treatments spaced three to four weeks apart. After completing the treatment plan, one follow-up treatment is recommended every 4-6 months. Seek advice from a Skin Aura Brain and Spine Neuro Center professional about your best course of action. Your treatment will be tailored to your individual needs based on the required degree of correction.
Body contouring with VIORA RF:
It’s ideal for all body parts to get Viora’s RF body treatments. If your skin laxity is mild to severe, this treatment suits you. Your treatment will be safe and comfortable if you use either a bipolar or multipolar delivery method. Your body will experience mild to moderate heat. 4th dimension, the multi-channel mode of Viora’s 4th dimension, is used for circumferential and cellulite reduction. Cellulite treatment, circumference reduction, and skin tightening can all be achieved simultaneously when numerous frequencies and vacuum therapy are used together. Treatments for cellulite and circumference reduction should be scheduled at least eight weeks apart. After completing the treatment regimen, one maintenance treatment is required every four to six months.
What are the targets of this treatment?
- Labia major and minor
- Abdomen
- Love handles
- Knees
- Elbows
- Legs
- Buttocks
- Upper arms
The Radio Frequency Body Contouring System Has Numerous Advantages
The epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers make up the three layers of the skin. Known as the fat layer, it comprises a network of collagen fibers. A lack of collagen in these three layers can lead to sagging and wrinkled skin on your face as a result of exposure to sunlight.
No treatments can repair or regenerate the skin’s interior layer of collagen. To achieve firmer, more youthful-looking skin, the procedure stimulates the production of new collagen while tightening existing collagen webs deep inside the dermis. The collagen in the skin of those who receive Viora treatment grows stronger.
Is Viora Radio Frequency Body Contouring right for you?
The Viora is the best treatment for people between the ages of 30 and 65 suffering from various conditions. Minor to moderate skin laxity and fine lines are best treated with this technique. If you’ve had plastic surgery like an eyelift, liposuction, or facelift and want to fine-tune the results, this is a viable choice. Following a weight-loss or pregnancy weight-loss program, it might also build body determining.
Compared to invasive cosmetic procedures, the Viora is much safer. This product is gentle and effective regardless of skin type or color. Because there is no recovery time, you can return to your regular schedule immediately. Leveling and tightening as well as contouring, body shape, and cellulite reduction can be achieved with Viora.
Do you know when you may expect the results?
You may be the only one who notices the change in the beginning. People around you may comment on how well you’ve recovered, or they may inquire as to whether or not you’ve shed a few pounds. Once the surgery, some patients will feel a slight tightening in their skin, but the most dramatic results will be seen after the treatment has been completed for two months. 4-6 months following the treatment, it is recommended that you have another conservation treatment.
The Viora reaction is unique in using both a laser and a vacuum. A vacuum is used in conjunction with RF to tighten slack skin. The Viora is also color-blind, which means it may be used year-round on people of all skin tones and hues, unlike lasers.