. Best Treatment for International Patients

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8000+ Happy Patients
10+ Years Experience
3000+ Successful Surgeries
Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro Centre

How we are different?

We care about your Health better.

Dr. Jasdeep Kaur, leading skin specialist has experience of 15 years, From New Delhi does herself all the procedures, be it lasers or fillers single-handedly unlike xyz major brands who traps patient first by offers and then their technicians take over the full procedure when payment is done. Lasers need to be done in all directions, smoothly and it needs patience and technique which is not present in case of others.

Dr. Vikas Kathuria has experience of 22 yrs and he has worked at many places and experienced to treat the resistant diseases which others may not treat with a minimum dose of drugs. With having the specialization in Brain & Spine related treatment, He is serving the whole nation and International countries through proven techniques and treatments.


International Patients Gallery

Neurosurgery Hospital in Gurgaon
Neurotherapist in Gurugram
Best Neurologist Doctor in India
Best Neurologist in Gurgaon

Facilities for International Patients

Our International Patients Team ensures providing you with world-class quality of service to make your medical journey hassle free for you and your family.

  • Providing detailed medical opinion and teleconsultation with our team of doctors before arrival
  • Assistance with Visa Services
  • A dedicated relationship manager is assigned to each patient to take care of all you need inside the hospital and to assist you with hospital administrative processes
  • International Concierge Desk at dedicated International lounge will help to arrange for a hotel/ guest house as per your preference.
  • Dedicated Relationship manager to take care of all your need inside the hospital.
  • Payments can be done either via cash, credit card or Wire Transfer.
  • International Concierge Desk available at the hospital will facilitate travel within the city as well as for local sight-seeing
  • Interpreters available at the hospital
  • Accompanying Relatives and friends may visit the nearby areas such as Red Fort, India Gate, Delhi Markets, Malls, etc.
  • Accompanying Peoples may also avail the required Skin & Dental Treatments through nearby clinics to save their free time and extra cost.
  • Complimentary two-way airport transfers

Red Fort Delhi India
India Gate Delhi India
Qutub Minar Delhi India
Temple India
Sikh Temple

We have successfully offered Dermatology & Neurology Treatments to various international patients belonging to various outside cities & locations such as Iraq, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Oman, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Prozakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Yemen and much more.


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