Why live with the Old tattoo marks if we have the facility to remove the old one! Yes, Invention of the new techniques has emerged the successful ways to remove the tattoo marks safely and permanently. The result of the tattoo removal may vary from person to person.
Laser Tattoo Removal in Gurgaon
At Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro Centre, Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment is offered according to the age, size, and color of the tattoo. Minimum 2 sessions are required. If the tattoo is chronic or old, 10 sessions may be required. We always encouraged the candidate to go for the skin analysis test so that laser treatment can be started accordingly. Trained professional will evaluate the personal and medical circumstances and will advise choosing the most relevant option during the consultation.
Laser Tattoo Removal Technique is much more effective with less scarring. While treating the patient, the skin color of the patients also matters. It will reveal the pigmentation during the tattoo removal process. If we check for the success rate, the Laser Tattoo Removal technique is safer than the other traditional methods such as excision, salabrasion etc. Traditional methods may just remove the tattoo marks but do not have the ability to treat the pigment involve int he tattoos.
Dark colored tattoos like Black and Blue responds to the laser treatment positively, but for the light colored tattoo, laser technique needs much care & attention.
How Does Laser Technique work For Tattoo Removal Treatment in Gurgaon?
Being the safest and Simple procedure, it is widely used all across India. In Gurgaon, Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro Center uses High-quality laser technique only. In this process, laser light is delivered at the billionths of a second which breaks the ink particles. These ink particles are trapped into the dermis layer of the skin and skin automatically starts shedding the ink particles. This process makes the tattoo appearance lighter and lighter with every single session. At the end or during the last session, tattoo marks fade away completely.
Laser never affects the surrounded area, it will directly target the tattoo area. These pulse passes straight through the pigment and does not affect the top layer of the skin. It is an outpatient procedure for which no hospitalization is required. We do have the success rate of 95%. Always have a prior consultation with your Dermatologist in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR who will guide you about the pre-treatment and post-treatment procedures. Contact Skin Aura Brain & Spine Neuro center and Avail the Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR safely & successfully.